Larry Jordan II Buffalo NY
Standard Ascension Towers (SAT) by Larry Jordan II Buffalo is a telecommunications manufacturing firm focused on providing precision controls to networks. The company was formed as a joint venture with the participation of new investors and the current owners, PRZ Technologies and Wally P, its President. The company is organized as a closely-held corporation with a majority of the shares held by the principal executives. The first manufacturing facility is located in Western New York, which was chosen due to incentives and tax-free operation opportunities for tech startups.
1. Height: Worker safety is the main motivation for this project and a big part of keeping the workers safe is eliminating the climbing of the cell phone towers.
2. Construction: The towers are typically constructed from steel or reinforced concrete, and are designed to withstand high winds and other extreme weather conditions.
3. Antennas: The towers are equipped with antennas and other equipment necessary for transmitting and receiving various types of communication signals. Antennas came to ground in order to provide safety to the workers.
4. Lighting: Ascension towers are often equipped with warning lights and other safety features to ensure they are visible to aircraft and other nearby objects.
5. Access: Towers are equipped with ladders, stairs, and other means of access to allow maintenance personnel to reach the antennas and other equipment located on the tower.
6. Security: Ascension towers are typically secured with fencing, gates, and other security features to prevent unauthorized access.
7. Foundation: The towers are anchored to a concrete foundation that provides stability and support for the tower.
8. Maintenance: Regular maintenance is required to keep the tower and its equipment in good working order and ensure reliable transmission of signals.
Overall, ascension towers are essential infrastructure for modern communication networks and play a critical role in enabling the transmission of information across large distances.
1. Increased range: Ascension towers can transmit communication signals over long distances, enabling communication between remote locations that would otherwise be difficult or impossible.
2. Improved reliability: Ascension towers are built to withstand extreme weather conditions and other environmental factors, ensuring reliable transmission of signals even in harsh conditions.
3. Enhanced safety: The warning lights and other safety features on Ascension towers help to prevent collisions with aircraft and other nearby objects, ensuring the safety of both people and property.
4. Accessible maintenance: The ladders, stairs, and other means of access make it easier for maintenance personnel to reach the antennas and other equipment on the tower, reducing downtime and improving the efficiency of maintenance.
5. Efficient use of space: By transmitting signals over long distances, Ascension towers can reduce the need for multiple smaller transmission sites, freeing up valuable space for other uses.
6. Reduced costs: By enabling communication over long distances and reducing the need for multiple smaller transmission sites, Ascension towers can help to reduce the costs associated with building and maintaining communication networks.
Overall, the standard features of Ascension Towers provide a range of benefits that are essential for modern communication networks, including increased range, reliability, safety, accessibility, space efficiency, and cost savings.

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